Getting ready for college isn't easy. But there's plenty of help out there! Here is a list of resources that offer advice and guidance as you navigate the process of guiding your student to and through college.
The Federal Student Aid (FSA) gives parents information about Federal Financial Aid, for example FAFSA. There's also resources available about other colleges and their financial aid.
Big Future is a free platform provided by College Board. It provides resources for Parents and Students to make college planning manageable. Resources address students in middle school through high school.
Visit to view list of testing dates and information on registering.
College Greenight provides free services for first-generation and underrepresented students. Services include finding a college that fits the family's needs, scholarships, and mentorship.
Big Future by College Board Provides an action plan for families with seniors in High School.
Here is a list of a variety of scholarships available for college and technical training.
Take time to check out the TPS Scholarship Foundation and the McFarland Scholarship. There are still scholarships available to our College Prep Scholars.
Career Village can be used by families to receive immediate advice and information about different colleges and careers.
Here is an Updated List of the dates in which the SAT will be administered.
College Board explains AP Courses and why some students choose to take them.