Construction and Design

The Architecture, Design and Construction Technology pathway includes careers in designing, planning, managing, and building structures. Students will obtain the necessary skills through high quality classroom, laboratory, and field instruction, they will earn professional certifications required for employment, and be able to transition to postsecondary level institutions for additional education opportunities, if they so desire.

Pathway focus areas include: industrial technology, woodworking principles, drafting, architectural design, research and design for pre-construction.

Professional Certificate/ Industry Recognized Credential:

  • OSHA 10, all students who complete year one of the pathway and are in attendance for the OSHA 10 training, will have the opportunity to earn the OSHA 10 certification.

Recommended Prerequisite: Design

Sequence of Courses:

Semester 1

  • Introduction to Industrial Technology .5 credit (2430)
  • Woodworking Principles 1 credit (2481)

Semester 2

  • Drafting Architecture and Mechanics .5 credit (2435)
  • Drafting Computer Automated Design 1 credit (2436)

Semester 3

  • Architectural Design (2437) 1 credit
  • Carpentry (2438) .5 credit

Semester 4

  • Research & Design for Pre-Construction (2449) 1 credit
  • Carpentry (2438) .5 credit

New students may enter the pathway at semester, in January. They will enroll in Drafting Architecture and Mechanics and Drafting Computer Automated Design. The four classes are not sequential, however students must successfully have passed semester one and/or two, before they can take three and/or four.

Instructor: Mr. Richards   Email: [email protected]

TPS 2023-2024 Program of Studies

TPS 2023-2024 Programa De Estudios

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