Mrs. Cherryl Delacruz has been teaching since 2003. She
graduated from the University of San Carlos in Cebu Philippines with a Bachelor of Science degree Majoring in Mathematics and Physics. She received a Master's degree in Mathematics from Southwestern University and in Educational Leadership from Kansas State University. She
currently teaches College Algebra, Probability and Statistics, and Honors
Algebra 2.
2023-2024 marks Mr. McKnight's 6th year as a K-12 Facilitator. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and Computer Information Systems. After which, he received a Master's of Arts degree in Curriculum and instruction. He currently teaches 7th Grade Honors Math and 8th Grade Algebra.

Mrs. Epperson-Ladd began her educational career in 2019. She received both her Bachelor’s in English Education and her Master’s in Educational Leadership from Pittsburg State University. She is currently working on a second Master’s in English Literature and Linguistics from The University of Nebraska - Kearney. She is currently teaching the following 7th/8th grade courses: Middle School Advanced Grammar and Language Arts Enrichment.